This is a static HTML website. This choice makes it safer, faster, easier to backup and to deploy compared to content management systems such as Drupal or Wordpress (great solutions for larger projects, though).

All the pages are manually edited with Emacs, whose SGML and HTML modes makes it easy to write. Manual editing the HTML markup has also the advantage of helping to keep the page source code human readable. Images are manipulated with GIMP.

Some note on the website describes execution of scientific software on remote clusters, where text-based browsers such as Lynx are more convenient. Hence, the design in such that all the main content is easily accessible with text-based browsers.

CSS and JavaScript codes are implemented to improve the layout and automatize some task, but do not prevent access to the main content. Images always have an alternate text, and tables are readable also if the respective tags are not recognized.

Use of JavaScript may be controversial, since such programs run on browsers without users noticing it. Hence, we comply with the directives specified by the LibreJS project.

Recurrent sections such as headers, the navigation bar and footers are managed through a simple python parser. This replaces key expressions in the form {{label}} with a given template content. Atom feeds are created through another simple python program. Tidy validates HTML pages. A shell script is used to launch these programs and to push a local copy of the website onto the server. All the code is stored on a git repository and available on request.